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Do you want to develop innovative projects and change the world around you? We cordially invite everyone interested in AI and solving problems of our community.

What we do?

We are an interdisciplinary group of people interested in the practical side of AI.

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Open-source projects

At the heart of our business are open-source projects that, among other things, support the work of doctors in Pomerania.  Among others, we have created AI models for parameterization of radiological descriptions and detection and prediction of the course of Covid-19 based on blood counts. We are also working on tools for collecting and analyzing medical data or for creating bots based on language models.


AI is a rapidly growing field, ahead of the university curriculum. We share knowledge, provide lectures and training for anyone interested in working with AI or applying AI to their field. We have over a dozen trainings, courses and lectures behind us, as well as dozens of speeches at conferences

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We offer unique consulting services in the field of artificial intelligence to help you realize the many opportunities that come from implementing AI solutions in your company. We also have experience in applying for research grants and funding for AI projects

Commercial Solutions

In addition to open-source projects, we also carry out commercial solutions for both public institutions and private companies.  We have implemented projects in such areas as natural language processing, computer vision and tabular data. Our main focus is on the healthcare industry, but we also have experience in industries such as automation, business analytics, finance and shipping.

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The key to a good AI project is interdisciplinary competence. We are committed to bringing together people from different areas to share knowledge and start new projects together

Sample Projects

Parametrization of radiology reports

A system for faster retrieval of key information from a radiological report.


UMIE is a universal encoder dedicated to medical images.


CICAAD-RC is a tool to predict the risk of iatrogenic coronary artery and/or aortic dissection.


Cross-adaptation is a novel method for domain adaptation.

X-ray crystallography

A filtration pipeline for X-ray crystallography experiments


MIDAS is a custom-tailored tool for developing and managing medical datasets, either for machine learning or any form of statistical research. is a system for SARS-CoV-2 detection based on complete blood count.


TITAN is an AI system supporting the diagnosis of malignancy in kidney tumors.

Our Partners

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Contact us!

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